Lust, Inevitably Leads To Loneliness Or Something Like That.

My Life Stories, From the highest to the lowest, and the grey area crap inbetween that forms my life so far…

Archive for the tag “fucking”

The Past Is Dangerous

Warning serious post!

So there’s been a speed bump in paradise with “Missy” (the wonderful girl who I went out on a date with, as you can read in earlier posts), it occurred the night before my inebriated “trick or treating”, when “Missy” had innocently been told about certain events of my past(way before we met), which to say the least shocked her and it almost changed her mind on continuing to develop our.. well “romance”. I’m sure many of you have done things in the past that if it were to be known, people would perceive or shape their understanding or fondness of you for the worst. But should there be such criticism or negativity, big or small, over an ordeal of the past that if a person and/or persons never knew, would not have caused such things as broken friendships, aggression or even a failure to launch, I guess the difficulty people have is over looking the idea of that person having done a particular thing and not realising situations and even the person could have been different back then, or being reluctant that they are who they are at this moment in time. Then again it all depends on what they’ve done and should judgements be made without completely understanding the matter at hand?

I’m sorry I am normally open to say everything and anything in this blog as you would know but this certain part of my past I cannot disclose to you, as personal as I may be with you, this is under lock and key in a tremendously large vault of paranoia and insecurity towards peoples possible reactions. But it was a journey of self exploration, to better understand me, myself and I. Now in experiencing this, I have a feeling of regret in doing it, but not regretful as I know its not my “gig” to put it simply.

Now as for “Missy” We’ve talked and it seems after a couple of weeks she is coming to terms with it, as I am still the same person, I haven’t changed and I still try to the best of my ability to make her happy. As much as it was embarrassing for “Missy” to find out, I’m almost glad because now I can definitely tell her everything!

Yours the for once secretive and happy making

Alexander Vince

P.S So my lovely friend Adam has begun a blog of his own, and it would be terribly nice if on your read through my blog you can visit his, you will find his well needed constructive criticism/cynicism on the ideals of todays society quite amusing! Thankyou!

>>>>> AdamBendall<<<<<

Happiness Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Why is it that when a disaster or feeling of unhappiness strikes that the weather is miserable in compared to when happiness is on the rise; where the weather is beautiful, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. I’ve noticed over the last couple of weeks, that I’ve been in a constant happy state, even when work tonight was hard and mistakes were made. I brushed it off and continued be chirpy, quirky, and at the end of the night, down right dirty. Hehehe.

I feel cleansed with the sun(HAVE TO LOVE THE VITAMIN D!), healthy food, coffee, and yes I feel cleansed even though I smoke ironic I know. But this is one of the first times in a long time where stress is a far away thought, I have someone worth working towards and I’m happy for it to go either way, whether it doesn’t happen or does, happy, for her and for me, its a crazy feeling. To put it simply everything is going well, besides my empty stomach at the moment. I am content and the best thing about it is I’m not trying so hard to be happy! Its coming naturally!

Oh by the way I’ve got a bed time story for you!

I was at work one night a couple of weeks ago, taking this middle aged, early 50’s looking couple’s order, serving their drinks and food, the whole “waitering” kit and caboodle and while talking to them, we got onto the topic of why i came to be working at this particular restaurant(the history of Alexander Vince really). At the end of the night, this particular couple came to pay the bill, and they give me a 10 dollar tip as well as a note I quickly skimmed through the note and said thankyou with a smile. It barely occurred to me at the time, that this couple were swingers and in this particular note suggested they were interested in me to come over for a “private drink and/or meal”, so pretty much they’re saying “hey join our weird open relationship swinger couple gangbang orgy touch and see our sagging bums thing, and we’ll get you drunk for free and feed you if we have to.” I’m conflicted, I feel like I’ve been eye raped or perved on by my high school gym teacher yet I feel extremely complimented that I passed their criteria… But no way in hell did I call their number, I’m not interested in seeing all the sagginess that I will eventually be forced to see in thirty years time.

Yours the Good Ole’ Plain happy and swinger attracting

Alexander Vince



So you’ve heard of Edward scissor hands?


2011-09-15 04.06.24

Its Been A While…..

1st of July 2011

Wow time flies, maybe not with wings, although the hour/minute arms look like wings, especially when its 9:15 Pm (yes I’m talking about a clock, I’m a bit different okay! Its called being unique!). Anyhow its Friday the 1st of July, its uni holidays and my life has vastly made itself even bigger, more complex and amazing as each second goes by. I apologize for my absolute laziness in writing my posts but how exciting would my life be if it didn’t take precedence or charge over my writing? (Even if it took over completely)

I don’t know whether i could even release it in chapters as so much has happened over the past months, that i could probably write a book. But you’ll be getting the shortened version, only the exciting bits of course!

I’ve been back up to Sydney, visited family and friends, and drank way too much! (I’ll show you some pictures!)

My best mate from Sydney came down with me to see the lime light of Launceston…(Which shall be talked of in the next post)

And oh did he have fun…. You’ll have to find out Winking smile

By the way I’m a hundred percent sober, since Wednesday night/early hours of Thursday and I’m currently once again cleansing myself of smoking. Yes I know its Friday, but you have to start somewhere right! Lowered drinking levels, and a complete stop to smoking! Smile

I’m also considering moving houses.

On the list of things to do….

THE LIST OF THINGS TO DO Surprised smile

– UNI(always first Winking smile )

– Write a story about a beautiful red dragon and an attractive blue dragon Winking smile(Still

working on the title and most of the story, as its still on going)

– Save money(for a rainy day)

– Move out of this place(long story)

– Still enjoy ones self Open-mouthed smile (pretty self explanatory)

But there are a many things i wish to talk about today, mainly sex, but also my girlfriend, yes that’s right girlfriend!

My previous post about the girl i met is indeed about my current girlfriend, Mars has finally met Venus, and damn its good! Pretty much 4 months in a couple of weeks Surprised smile She has such a lust for life it almost makes her so sick it would keep her bedridden for days, so things were pretty rocky to begin with, but now on the relationship front it seems pretty good! Hi 5 anyone?


Anyway time for sex talk!

I’ve had a many conversations with friends about the opposite sex, especially when your on your guys night out, and there’s an absolutely “drop dead gorgeous” girl wearing a skimpy, tight fitted, shiny, and extremely revealing dress, and many guys would roll around on the ground like a puppy dog, or attach a leash to themselves to hand to her, just to hope to have sex with her…. Multiple times…. But it seems like a massive annoyance to ourselves that us men, crave sex, all the time, and its worse then you think. (a guys point of view) From when you lose your virginity, its an addiction, which goes with the saying “once you pop you can’t stop” some may not feel the same way, but the majority do. Everyone has their addictions smoking, narcotics, alcohol, etc, and etc, but the stereotypical female thinking that all men want is sex, isn’t completely true, as much as I’d love to have it every hour of every day I can do without! Even though I get twitchy…. I read a story about a guy so wound up about sex, he chopped his own penis off, still didn’t fix the problem but still sounds fucked up.  Yes this is probably an extreme case of addiction or mostly some kind of insanity and isn’t quite as regular, but maybe most of us men have a “softcore” addiction to sex, or just maybe its our evolutionary instincts, as quoted by Famous Irish comedian/actor Dylan Moran “The race must continue! The race must continue!”, its also known that in the past, the male was supposed to “spread his seed” as much as possible so his lineage will continue, so where does this leave guys who are continually under scrutiny from woman. SEXIST AGAINST MEN! I THINK SO Smile with tongue out  Narr, I’m just kidding, but hopefully if a woman, or a girl is reading this and realises that there’s a reason to our “addiction” or our yearning to sex you up, you will be more understanding and you should actually take it as a compliment as they are genuinely attracted to you. Besides many “Girls feel the need to love to have sex, but guys feel the need to have sex to love.” that’s right, so moral of the story is, we’re all fucked up, so lets just have sex. Just kidding haha

OH AND P.S ON THIS STORY, If you are actually and completely terrible at sex, its called “PORN” its good research material, which is why we watched it when we were teenagers in the midst of beginning our sex lives. AND PLEASE ATLEAST TRY, AND I MEAN GENUINELY TRY TO GET HER OFF, OTHERWISE YOUR A GREEDY SELFISH BASTARD. AND AND…. I’m kinda embarrassed to say I’m pumped for the new Harry Potter movie, does anybody else think Hermione’s hot? I JUST CAN’T WAIT FOR ALL THE HARRY POTTER FANATICS TO TURN INTO AIMLESS ZOMBIES AFTER ITS RELEASE, It’ll be like “ZombieLand” or “Dawn Of The Dead”, THE ANTICIPATION IS KILLING ME! haha.

Well that’s enough for tonight…

I’m off to my girlfriends house Smile

Yours the addicted  and the fallen

Alexander Vince


17062011348Yes its a top hat Open-mouthed smile

18062011350Me and my mate Adam, at The Oatley Hotel… In Oatley….


18062011397TOP HAT!







21062011441My pet Monty, he’s a homie!

23062011452Morning i was leaving Sad smile

23062011454 The bottle of wine me and Adam drank before I got on the plane to Tasmania Smile

My Whisky

Well not including my glass full, I’m guessing there’s about 200 or so mL’s left in my last birthday bottle of Johnnie Walker Green Label, I have to thank my friends for such an abundance of special alcoholic gifts, as i only had a flask left of my Johnnie Walker Black Label when i got to this frozen dropping of Australia, known as “Tasmania” lovely place though. The thought of no whisky and barely any money to fuel this sweet urine coloured drink leads to my idea of sobriety, forced sobriety. “Yay” to my liver i guess.


Getting over people?

Now as of late I’ve noticed a lot of couples accusing each other of a lack of interest or feelings for one another, for example “Omg are you getting over me?” with an angry look while the pussy whipped boyfriend begs her “NO no no no no no waaayyy!”, but if i were him, then fuck yes, that crazy bitch has to go, no way is she giving me the crazy eyes and staying with me! Then there’s the girl with the sincere puppy dog eyes, that is just sooo fucking cute it would make my eyes bleed if i said yes. Now this led me to think, how long does it take to get over an ex or a person?

For me this has been a very long thought of subject, as even I’ve had my delving into the past ex’s, well not quite so literally, some of the time anyway…. What? You can never kill the sweet taste of “after’s sex”… Right?

Its a theory of mine that your not over a person until you literally have no emotional response over the subject of your ex, you do not care whatsoever, because even a “hate” is part of getting over a person, so sorry to those people who think “I hate my ex, he’s an arsehole” or “she’s a bitch” ladidi ladida, its actually a massive tell tale sign of what i call “post-relationship emotional responses” but come on as if you wouldn’t take her or him back, or well at least in the sack? No? Not even on a lonely night and your not taken? If your life depended on it?

Anyway apart from my intense thoughts on ex’s, I have actually had some fun of my own, my first student night/Wednesday night really gave me an insight of the fuck load of fun that happens in this place, a lot of nice people really! Then the Friday night just took me back to square one, the square of disappointment… It was like i was with a virgin, not saying that she is, but a really nice girl though, good sense of humour, apart from the fact that we were both a little plastered and i spent half of bottle of Green label that night ingesting it at an alarming rate, but what confused me even more is that i actually slept naked, and now your thinking “WHAT”, you’ve never slept naked?” no i have, but I’ve never slept naked, drunk and without a course of sexual activities, its strange its like seeing a stoner NOT stoned. That’s not the best part, imagine having her throw up in the morning, and there i am in bed thinking, “well isn’t this the fucking repeat of the virgin Mary” but yes, this is a strange ordeal for me, it was all going well and then BAM, she has a penis…. Just kidding, but seriously its almost like the nose flicking incident, must be the cold weather, or maybe i passed out naked on her bed? Mmmmm…. Thats when remembering seems to come in hand….

Yours the cold and sober one

Alexander Vince

P.s I used to have this almost feminist/sexist follower who actually constantly argued my wrong “doing’s”/“activities” with ex’s it was actually quite nice talking/ arguing/ discussing with her, or maybe him? So pop ever once in a while my friendly Anti-Alexander Vince reader! Smile

To Drink A Drink, To Smoke A Smoke, To Fuck The Fucked, Be Cruel To Be Kind, To Live A Life, Without Any Strife.

So its occurred  to me that a partial few people around me, are constantly against my supposed “blackened” morals, as well as me drinking “too much”, smoking “too much” and well fucking “too much”, as well as here we go again being an arsehole “too much”, and according to these judgemental few that doing the dirty deed while intoxicated, and a cigarette in your grasp over and over and over again is a bad thing! Yes i agree cigarettes are a terrible thing causing cancer as well as an abundant amount of diseases, but that is soon to be a thing of the past, I’m going to be a quitter! But sex and alcohol? Come on?? As if i haven’t heard about their intoxicated sexual activities. But oh yes I’m the only one with bad morals. I’m judgemental on certain grounds such  as snobbery and “head up arse people”, but some deserve it, don’t you think? What they don’t seem to acknowledge when looking at other peoples doings, good or bad, theirs are just as bad, if not worse. I think of my doings…. Maybe a little too much at times quite apathetic and depressing really, but i judge myself before others.

As for the arsehole/dickhead thing or even being called a “fuckwit” or told things such as “Oh don’t get me started on what I’ve heard [about you]..” now as for all the gossip girls and guys out there who decide to even threaten or “hurt” my feelings by telling me the things I’ve supposedly done? Come on “what you’ve heard is probably most definitely true, I’m an arsehole, abuser, slut and a user Smile good day!”

Now as for “Without Any Strife” its bitchy’ness, the drama, the downright lack of honesty and trust, Oh its not just women, but men as well, there are drama craving, bitchy, conniving men. Now I’m just thinking to myself “what the fuck has this world come to”. Obviously somebody either lacked or overfed on the milk from their fair mother’s bosom.

Well i guess this new adventure of mine, will turn over something other then just boring hair wrenching frustration. Smile

If this is your first time reading, your probably think “shit, this guy is definitely not a people person” well your mistaken, i actually quite like people, but its the sociopaths and like i said conniving people, who are far too insecure often leading them to hurt their “friends” around them, on purpose. Well who likes those people? You? I wouldn’t think so….

Now as for my day a few days ago, its was wonderful! “Australia day” where you drink to your hearts content and more! As well as showing your Australian patriotism! But unfortunately for a few of my friends, they enjoyed their drink way too much, and wanted to show everybody the contents of their stomach, ahh just fertilizer for the garden right? But as the night went on, it was sleep that i was fond of, at the early time of 3:00 AM!

Yes it was hangover afternoon yesterday, but i saw a hilarious show last night called “A Ladies Guide To Brothels” based in Britain a pair of “older ladies” as well as the WI aka Women’s Institute made up of your friendly British neighbourhood grannies trying to legalize brothels in England, they visit famous brothel cities and states all around the world such as Holland with their window brothels, Nevada and New Zealand and they also visit adult shops, with curiosities’ for certain toys such as the “ass midget” often inquiring as to “i wonder what they use this for”, don’t believe me? hahaha here you are:

Now i know late night TV is strange and almost erotic especially with all those advertisements about “phone this number and talk to:” “minxy Mary”, “Champagne”, “Licky Lillie”, or even “cocksucker Kate”. Mmmm late night TV is definitely for the lonely, but nothing will beat watching a pair of grannies almost having heart attacks and fits of embarrassment at an adult shop, now that’s entertainment!

Now its 7.46 PM on a Friday here in Sydney, and its going out night Open-mouthed smile So definitely “too much” drinking, no smoking (without crossed fingers) and hopefully the latter Winking smile But most definitely “too much” of an arsehole to those who deserve it Smile

Here is my ode to the night:

We shall drink like we are weary travellers waiting with the parched taste of our dry tongues for the drop of elixir will splash its pungent immortal intoxicating smell throughout our blood driving our insanity flowing through face and tongue.

Our bloodshot weary eyes wander relentlessly at this golden froth topped man drink but unbeknown to our irresponsible minds the next morning will shout us the burden of our hazy night.

Yours the drinking, smoking, fucking, arsehole without strife

Alexander Vince

P.S I’m pretty sure I’ll live my life my way Smile Thankyou, but please stop me if i confuse a woman with an actual transsexual, would be extremely awkward in the morning, I’d rather be lonely that night.

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